5 Easy Way To Increas Your Blog Traffic For Free !!!  

Posted by Abhishek

In blogging world, specially a blog that not only containspersonal life story or blogowner’’s heart but also contains ads (ads) from the affiliate program, high PageRank is the main condition from a blog for being interested by Advertiserto be the ideal product for market services they offer, the higher the PageRank from a blog more easier for you to join anymonetization program as an example TLA (Text-Link-Ads) and AdBrite which determine high PageRank from Alexa.

The following are the tips of how you as a newbie can increase your blog traffic

  • Add URL, that can be indexed in the search engine because almost all internet users use search engines to find the topic they need through search engines services, one of the most popular service is AddUrl from Google, with entering the URL of your blog and the description of your blog then you can submit it toGoogle, some time later google will check the URL you had entered. You can also try to submit your blog on Yahoo.
  • Link Exchange, this simple way is quite useful both for the new blog and blogs that are senior, Blogwalking is one of the best and simple way to search for blogs that have same topic, and then enter the appropriate comments which is related to the topic of the article in the blog.
  • List your Blog to a thirdy party, You can use this way to promote your blogand the result is quite sizeable and never disappointing, a service provider such as Technorati and mybloglog.
  • Email Signature, paste the URL address of your blog at the end of the email that you send to friends, family, colleagues and anyone who you like to inform them about the existence of your blog. Moreover, if you join a mailing-list, you also can tell them (mailing list members) about the existence of your blog.
  • Offline campaigns, either directly with the recount to friends (oral) or via sms, brochures, stickers, etc.

Many ways can be adopted to increase your blog traffic but we can not forget the reason someone comes or endure in your blog is because your blog contents, so you can promoting your blog like crazy as long as it legal and valid as long as the campaign and the efforts is balance.

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